

If you are reading this, don't turn back now. It has most likely taken me far too long to get you here in the first place. Having said that, here is my poor man's welcome disclaimer:

***The blog you are about to view is a free site, which translates to "I got what I paid for."As a matter "O" fact, I call it my poor man's website. The work is in no particular order and for that I apologize but I am using it as a stop gap until I get my professional site up and running which is actually in the process. Trillions of zeros and ones are assembling themselves into a pleasing arrangement rivaling our very own national debt clock's prowess for number crunching .***

When it's complete, I will have more work to share in a navigation friendly format, until then I hope this site will give you some idea of my work and my quirk.

Click the thumbnails to view the work large unless you are some sort of binocular visioned X-Men type freak which for the record is totally cool with me. I myself fell into a radioactive vat of sarcasm, giving me superhuman abilities in this area.

SALT MINES (Past and Present)

I'm pretty sure it's mine.

Also make sure you click "OLDER POSTS" at the bottom of each page to ensure you get the full nickel tour. I'd hate for you to get short changed.

SEE SPOTS RUN (aka my broadcast Reel)

For your veiwing pleasure I have compiled all my well crafted Television spots in one convenient place. Please refrain from TiVo during this presentation.